We're celebrating Arbor Day with a special deal for MEC electric customers!
From April 25 to May 4, get 20% off up to two trees at Dussel's Farm Market & Greenhouses in Cassopolis or Barrett's Showplace Gardens & Flower Shop in Adrian.
- Print out the coupon at the bottom of the page or bring your phone to show a store associate.
- Pick out up to two trees at Dussel’s or Barrett’s.
- At checkout, hand them the coupon.
Please note that tree quantities are limited. Offer is only valid for purchase of select tree varieties and does not apply to other products.
Eligible varieties at Dussel's: Buckeye, Crabapple, Dappled Willow, Dogwood, Fruit Trees, Hydrangea, Japanese Maple, Lilac, Magnolia, Redbud, Smoke, Witch Hazel, White Cedar.
Eligible varieties at Barrett's: Black Gum, Carolina Silverbell, Cornelian Cherry, Crabapple, Dogwood, Emerald Green Arborvitae, Golden Rain, Hornbeam, Ivory Silk Lilac, Katsura, Kwanzan Flowering Cherry, Magnolia, Redbud, Serviceberry, Seven-Son Flower, Thundercloud Flowering Plum, Yoshino Flowering Cherry
Read This First!
Trees and power lines don't mix. We proactively remove trees and brush within 15 feet of either side of our primary power lines, which has been proven to significantly reduce the amount of time our customers spend without power. It also helps our linemen more efficiently identify and repair damage when needed.
Make sure your trees have enough room to grow by considering the size and shape of the canopy when the tree is mature. See the guide below for more information on how to avoid planting your trees near power lines.
View Guide
Before you start planting, CALL 8-1-1. They'll mark your primary underground utilities before you dig - critical to avoid potentially cutting utility lines to yourself or your neighbors, which can result in a hefty repair bill of hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars.
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