Lobbies Re-Opening June 8
on Wednesday, June 3, 2020

As Michigan businesses begin re-opening, we’re happy to announce that our lobbies are re-opening beginning Monday, June 8.
Keep in mind, we never stopped working on your behalf. As part of the critical infrastructure, the MEC team remained ever productive to ensure that your service experience was never compromised. We just worked a little differently over the last few months.
Things will look a little different for a while as we’ve implemented some additional safety precautions for your protection and ours, including a protective shield around our front counters. If you do visit one of our lobbies, please keep the following in mind:
- We request that you wear a face covering. Disposable masks will be available. If you need to meet one-on-one with an MEC representative, a face covering will be required.
- Please come by yourself whenever possible.
- Practice appropriate social distancing by maintaining a six-foot distance between yourself and others.
- Public restrooms are not available, and the Connected Home experience in Cassopolis remains closed.
Remember, you do not need to come into our facility to conduct your business. Our Solutions Agents are available by phone at 800.492.5989, email at info@teammidwest.com, or through our online Live Chat. You can also use SmartHub, a convenient one-stop shop for your electric, propane and internet needs.
Many of our customers have been financially impacted by the pandemic, and as always we stand ready to work with you. If you’re concerned about paying your bill, please call us sooner than later at 800.492.5989 so we can help set up a payment arrangement or connect you with sources of financial assistance.
Finally, as much as we enjoy visiting with our customers, we ask that you do not interrupt our crews when you see them working in the field. If you have a question about an outage or the nature of the work, please call us at 800.492.5989. And if you see a designated work zone or road closure, please avoid the area.
We want to continue to do our part to keep our customers, communities and employees safe. We’re all in this together!