The Growing Popularity of Esports

Published on Thursday, August 22, 2024 in Community

Esports is a team-based competition using video games that is growing in popularity. Just like traditional sports, these games teach teamwork, communication, and problem-solving.

2023 esports team
L to R: Colin Craig, Matiu Mosher, Casey Clark

Esports has become so popular that middle schools, high schools, and colleges across the country now offer esports programs or clubs. In fact, earlier this year, the Michigan High School Esports League’s spring season included 164 schools and over 700 teams.

Why Esports

MEC proudly sponsors the Southwestern Michigan College esports team and its on-campus facility. Colin Craig, Matiu Mosher, and Casey Clark, three members of the 2023 SMC Roadrunners esports team, offered their thoughts about why esports is such a big hit.

“It’s the experience you get along the way,” says Mosher. “You learn to communicate with people clearly and professionally.”

For Clark, the appeal of esports is the ability to play competitively even for students who may not have an interest in traditional sports. For Craig, it’s the bonds that are forged when working together.

All three students have learned major life lessons during their time on SMC’s team. Mosher and Clark say their experience has taught them effective ways to communicate with and lead their team members, while Craig has gained a new skill and a confidence boost.

mec esports arena
MEC Esports Arena

“I was one of the hosts for the Fiber Cup stream,” says Craig, who joined MECer Elijah in commentating on and livestreaming the 2023 MEC x SMC Fiber Cup tournament. “It showed me that I’m better at public speaking than I thought. I can handle conveying what’s going on to other people, and I’ve even started streaming by myself.”

Clark, Craig, and Mosher recommend one thing to their fellow students: If you’re interested, join. “I think we do have a really nice community here at SMC,” says Clark.

“Come and play. It’s not about winning,” says Craig. “If you come here ready to play with others and put your best in, you’ll have a great time, and we can build a strong family.”

inside mec esports arena
MEC Esports Arena (Interior)

For more information about SMC esports, and to apply for the team, visit their site at

MEC x SMC Fiber Cup

RSVP by Sept. 20, 2024 for our very own esports tournament, open to all ages! Prizes include Steam Decks, gift cards, and donations to your team's school or 501(c)(3) charity of choice.

Visit us at for details and registration.