Harry Gentz Resigns After 35 Years of Board Service
on Thursday, August 2, 2018
Governance and Transparency

Harry Gentz served faithfully as a cooperative director for 35 years and, with much emotion, announced his resignation at the June meeting of the Board of Directors.
A resident of Blissfield, Harry was first elected to the Southeastern Energy Cooperative (SEC) Board in 1983. With the 1998 merger between SEC and Fruit Belt Electric, Harry was one of two SEC directors elected to represent consumers in the newly-formed Midwest Energy Cooperative. He provided dedicated leadership and representation during some of the most dynamic years, including the merger and the start-up of the propane operation in 1998, the hiring of a new CEO in 2002, implementation of smart meters in 2004, the launch of a fiber communication system and internet service in 2014, and the rebranding and opening of a new headquarters facility in 2018.
Harry and his wife Phyllis are eager to spend more time with family and in Florida as they close this chapter. The board and employees thank Harry for his dedicated service and wish him well in this new chapter.
The board is inviting interested individuals from District 9 to submit a letter of interest and summary of qualifications to fill this vacant seat; a mailing was recently sent to all qualified candidates. View more information about director duties and responsibilities. Through an appropriate review and evaluation process, the seated directors will appoint a successor to fulfill the term. For more information, contact Paige Deak at 269-445-1049 or by email at paige.deak@teammidwest.com.
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