Reflecting on a Remarkable Journey

Published by Bob Hance on Thursday, August 29, 2024 in Governance and Transparency

On March 25, 1974, I set out on a journey that I could never have imagined would result in the extraordinary career I’ve enjoyed. A frustrated and a bit confused first-year architectural student, I was offered a job at the local electric cooperative—a business that I didn’t even know existed. Frankly, my friends and I believed it was an appliance sales and service business!

My story is atypical, one of someone hoping to discover direction while putting education on hold. You’ve heard it before: “I’ll go back to school once I figure out what I want my career path to look like.” Not only did I not go back to school, but I quickly learned, grew, and excelled. In a seemingly short 13 years, I was chosen to succeed the long-term general manager. My tenure there concluded after 25 years, but as one door closed, another opened. Now, more than 50 years later, I’m staring at the blinking cursor on a screen, looking for the words to explain how incredibly bittersweet it is writing this final column.

Guided by faith and nudged by fate, I found myself in Cassopolis, Michigan, leading the team at MEC. Just as I hadn’t ever imagined that I would discover a path in the electric cooperative industry, neither did I imagine concluding my career here after nearly 23 years. Clearly, it was meant to be, and oh, what blessings I’ve been fortunate to gather over my time here.

As I reflect on the remarkable opportunities I was both afforded and enjoyed, I wonder if I can find the words that will fully describe how truly blessed I feel. Little did I know I would discover my servant’s heart and a perfect career to exercise it. Little did I know that I would meet, be influenced by, and touched by so many exceptional people. Little did I know I’d find myself regularly surrounded by hundreds of extraordinarily dedicated and caring employees, focused on providing the best service possible. And little did I know that I would have the good fortune of meeting and hearing from so many grateful and endearing customers. “Blessed” seems understated.

Writing this is harder than I imagined it would be. Goodbyes tend to imply a certain finality, and I’m undoubtedly not built to sit in a rocking chair, listlessly watching time slip away. We all have a “shot” clock, that finite number of days and minutes that we are rewarded, and it would be criminal to not make the most out of every moment. Retirement isn’t intended to be an end but, instead, a new beginning. I’m certain that the servant spirit in me won’t let me rest for long.

Spending more time with my three amazing adult children and six incredibly loving grandchildren is, and will always be, at the top of my list. Enjoying the company of my closest friends—lifelong friends—before that time slips away is a must. Continuing the awesome relationships that were born out of my career will not be ignored either.

As I embark on this new chapter, I do so with a heart full of gratitude and a spirit eager for new adventures. I also feel comfortable knowing MEC is left in hands that will continue to fulfill its vision of building “vibrant, relevant, sustainable rural communities.” The journey ahead is uncertain, but if it is anything like the past 50 years, I know it will be filled with joy, fulfillment, and countless blessings. Thank you all for being a part of this remarkable journey. Here’s to the future and the many adventures it holds.

About The Author

Bob Hance

Bob Hance is the President/CEO of Midwest Energy & Communications.