NRTC Honors MEC CEO Bob at Annual Meeting
on Tuesday, April 4, 2023
About Us
NRTC honored our CEO Bob at their annual meeting Sunday, March 5 for his 12 years of service on their board of directors, as well as his achievements in leading the charge for electric co-ops within the rural telecom space.
Bob was instrumental in shaping the mission for what NRTC does today. He helped them find their CEO and his joint efforts with NRTC and NRECA eventually led to the FCC expanding Universal Service Funds beyond telephone service. We were able to leverage USF for some of our early internet expansion efforts. He also worked closely with telephone co-ops to show them how to expand their services to include internet.
Through his work with NRTC, Bob continued his passionate advocacy for rural co-ops and the elimination of the digital divide.
NRTC plans to make a monetary donation to the National Scleroderma Foundation in Bob and Mary's names.