Can Solar Change My Energy Footprint?

Published on Monday, July 1, 2024 in Distributed Renewable Energy Generation

If you own a solar array, our distributed renewable energy generation program lets you offset your energy usage with the electricity it generates.

How It Works

  1. After you purchase a solar array and sign up for the program, we install a meter to record the energy you buy from us, as well as the energy you sell to us.
  2. If you use more than you generate, we’ll be there to make up the difference.
  3. If you sell us more energy than you buy, you will receive a bill credit for the excess.

Visit for program terms and to sign up.

Questions to Consider

If you’re interested in changing your energy footprint with a solar array, it’s worth considering a few questions before you buy.

  • How much energy does your home use in an average month?
  • How much sunlight do you typically get at your home?
  • How many solar panels will you need to generate the amount of energy you want?

Solar panels can only generate energy when the sun is shining. We often have cloudy skies, rain, and snow here in Michigan, all of which limit the sunlight solar panels can capture.

On average, we get 64 days of full sun per year in Southwest Michigan, and 75 per year in Southeast Michigan, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Know Your Solar Company

We support renewable energy and we’re glad solar companies do too. Still, some of our customers occasionally run into problems, so it’s a good idea to research the company.

Here are some other tips to avoid costly headaches:

  • Don’t sign a contract without fully reading and understanding it.
  • Don’t assume your array will qualify for certain tax incentives without consulting a tax professional.
  • Don’t let special deals with quick deadlines deter you from taking your time to research your decision.
  • Don’t make your purchase if you haven’t been able to ask questions, such as what happens if your array doesn’t pass inspection.

First Things First

Before signing up with a solar company, give us a call at 800-492-5989. We can help you determine what your typical energy use is so you can have a better understanding of how much power you’ll get from your solar system.