Giving Back in Hartford
on Tuesday, June 25, 2019

June marks a significant milestone in our quest to bring high speed fiber internet to rural southwest Michigan. We've reached 10,000 customers and to celebrate, we have donated $10,000 (with partnership support from Wolverine Power Cooperative) to the internet zones that are in our last year of construction.
Here is the recipient in our Hartford/Covert Internet Zone:
$2,500 Hartford Public Library
Every summer, the Hartford Public Library comes to life with its summer programs serving children of all ages. “We want to spark a love for reading and keep kids learning throughout the summer. Plus, there is not a lot for kids to do in the area. These programs offer a lot of free activities to get children out of the house and exploring new ideas,” said Stephanie Daniels, director (pictured above).
From June 17 – July 30, kids can participate in one of two reading programs and earn prizes based on the number of pages read:
- Read to Me focuses on kids who are too young to read. A parent, caregiver, relative or friend can read to the children and track the number of pages read.
- Independent Readers can read on their own and track their pages.
The library also offers activities each week such as Lego challenges story hours, wildlife/nature programs and even a space magic show.
This year's theme is “A Universe of Stories” and on Aug. 1, the library, with support from The Pokagon Fund, will sponsor a field trip to the Air Zoo Aerospace & Science Museum in Kalamazoo for all participants who meet the reading requirements.
Our donation will go towards helping the library expand their programs and reach more kids. “We know that kids who do not actively read and learn throughout the summer end up behind when they return to school. We want to serve as resource to families to keep their children engaged while school is out.”
For more information visit or find the Hartford Public Library on Facebook.
The post Giving Back in Hartford appeared first on MEC.