Or call 800.492.5989 24/7 to report an electric or fiber outage.
Please do not report outages via email or social media.
Some customers may receive an automated phone call from MEC saying their payment was posted. This was sent in error. We apologize for any confusion.
All fields marked with * are required.
We conform to the North American IP Registry (ARIN) policies regarding IP address allocation. This form is used for initial assignments and augments. A written justification form is required for any IP addresses requested so that we can demonstrate to ARIN that IP allocations to us are being used efficiently.
Per ARIN guidelines, organizations will be assigned address space based on immediate utilization plus three- and six-month documented and confident forecasting. If you have any questions about the IP assignment policy or process, please refer to ARIN's Number Resource Policy Manual.
If you prefer, you can download our PDF form, and email it to
What element will you be adding to your network that requires more addresses?
By submitting this form, you verify that you are authorized to represent the organization and all information is true and correct. You understand that IPv4 address space is limited and users of the internet are responsible for conserving address space and ensure that space is utilized efficiently.