home internet 

Searching for a local internet service provider that offers reliable high speed internet without data caps? You've come to the right place. Our fiber optic service has the reliable home Wi-Fi you need, plus parental controls and malware protection.

available packages

    • Advanced
    • Best for a small family working, learning, streaming, and gaming.
    • 100 Mbps
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    • Standard MEC Wi-Fi with cutting-edge Wi-Fi 6 Router* 
    • Parental controls to manage screen time, block content, and protect your family online
    • Protection from malware and hackers
    • $65/mo.
    • GIG
    • Great for a large family or a house where everyone is a heavy internet user.
    • 1 Gbps
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    • Standard MEC Wi-Fi with cutting-edge Wi-Fi 6 Router*
    • Parental controls to manage screen time, block content, and protect your family online
    • Protection from malware and hackers
    • $100/mo.
    • 5 GIG
    • Best for activities that need near-instantaneous online capabilities, such as competitive gaming or doing data-intensive work from home.
    • 5 Gbps
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    • Standard MEC Wi-Fi with cutting-edge Wi-Fi 6 Router*
    • Parental controls to manage screen time, block content, and protect your family online
    • Protection from malware and hackers
    • $200/mo.

*Additional Wi-Fi equipment available. 12-month contract required. Seasonal pricing is available for $15/mo. for up to six consecutive months each year. Looking for our broadband nutrition labels? Per FCC requirements, those must be displayed once your address has been determined to be eligible for service. However, they are also available here for easy viewing

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Network  Control

MEC internet includes the CommandIQ mobile app that enables you to manage your internet network and connected devices.

CommandIQ Welcome Screen

  • Network Control: Easily change your internet network name and password.
  • Device Prioritization: Pick which devices and activities get bandwidth priority and when.
  • Guest Networks: Got company coming? Set up a network to give them easy access while protecting your main network.
  • Speed Test: See how fast your network is running with a simple tap.
  • Parental Controls: Keep your kids focused on what you want with Experience IQ™. Block or limit access to specific content, websites, and apps. See what apps they use the most and for how long, and schedule their internet access. 
  • Network Security: The perfect complement to your current security software, add Protect IQ™ to guard all connected devices from hackers and malware. Your network gets automatically updated multiple times each week so you remain protected against the latest known threats. 

Explore CommandIQ

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Need Assistance?

Our solutions agents are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. to help you with all your questions. If you are experiencing long wait times, we recommend using our chat tool, sending us a message or visiting us in person.